Thursday, February 10, 2011

PIONEER - My very first

The contemplation about starting a blog has long been in the domain of my thoughts but that is how far the idea made..never really materialized the wide array of thoughts--some trivial ,some of great potential and some just meaningful for those  for whom they were meant to be .I wonder how many ideas I let wither away . I feel sorry I let so many of my thoughts die and this is my first step towards redemption .

There was always a block ,something always came up --not that it was of great importance but it just so happened that I can safely conclude that the chronological difference between the birth of the idea of publishing my thoughts and the materialization of it into this--my first blog entry is roughly about a 6 years ,I estimate.

Tracing back , 6 years back in time I do not even think somebody with even the slightest flare for reading would have feeble interest in reading the thoughts of a 16 year old..and what could I have possibly blogged about at 16..math tuitions , cute guys at the math tuitions , the extremely strict nuns at the convent I studied at , who thought I was the most flawed girl they ever came across .Hold your thoughts right there reader , don’t begin to judge me from what I THINK I would have written as an adolescent. But really nobody wants to read about that , I am not quite sure myself about what is it that people like to talk about ,whether I can deliver what they want to read and if at all I can how effective can it be.

Well , that is just too much contemplation for a first blog entry .But then the question still remains-WHAT IS IT THAT I AM GOING TO WRITE ABOUT ?

 I have always been a bit of a sage – you can think of anything where your mind leads you ( sans of course some things that I will mention later) Chanel , flowers ,God , politics , Nepotism , turtles, constellations, dooms day , Germany , football, captain planet , Ftv models, iPods, war , Linux , 2012 , Florida , winter ,Japanese anime , drugs , nerd forums , pubs, cities of the future , the third eye,  Shiva , consciousness , freedom , time , money, sex, men  ,women , humanity..anything  that crosses you mind, you name it and I have thought about it at one point or the other . I am not trying to pen down each and every one of my thoughts ofcourse. There are just some things I want to talk about , there are just some things that I feel strongly about , things that matter , things that should be appreciated..and I think I am well equipped  and more willing than ever before to pen down those words that float around in my head like the nomadic clouds in the sky , ever so formless but when you gaze at them long enough you can always isolate from that flustered accumulation of vapors  what you were looking for...

Ah. I think I am making the art of blogging sound like rocket science when perceptibly it is not even close to the art of talking plenty of absurdity really :p . So I guess I am just going to fire up by talking about CHANCE..uncertainty, irrationality , defiance ,the unusual , the urge to not be ordinary , the longing to follow where the heart leads us on to  …  because that is what keeps us all going . Isn’t it ?

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